After receiving a donation in 2020 from a class of 1932 alumna, we delved into our database to see how many other South High alumni have made it to 100 years old or more! We then reached out to all alumni in our database who attended South between 1930 and 1938. Letters were sent to 121 alumni at the last known address we had for them. Through notification from both relatives and our tireless alumni researcher, we learned that 89 of the 121 had passed away. A complete list of Packers we have lost can be found HERE.
We are happy to report that we did have three centenarians who responded to that 2020 communication: Aliene (Kelpe) Hammer-1932, Leota (Ruff) Brown-1938, and Lillian (Hopkins) Halligan-1938! At the age of 106, Aliene Hammer (who has since passed away) took the top spot as our oldest living alum, and boy, did she have stories to tell! Scroll down get to know these three centenarians along with some
Your alumni association would like to acknowledge any Packer alumni who are 100 years or older. If you went to South High between 1928 and 1944, please complete and submit THIS QUESTIONNAIRE. If you know someone who fits this description, please let them know that we are interested in hearing from them! They can submit their information HERE.
We are happy to report that we did have three centenarians who responded to that 2020 communication: Aliene (Kelpe) Hammer-1932, Leota (Ruff) Brown-1938, and Lillian (Hopkins) Halligan-1938! At the age of 106, Aliene Hammer (who has since passed away) took the top spot as our oldest living alum, and boy, did she have stories to tell! Scroll down get to know these three centenarians along with some
Your alumni association would like to acknowledge any Packer alumni who are 100 years or older. If you went to South High between 1928 and 1944, please complete and submit THIS QUESTIONNAIRE. If you know someone who fits this description, please let them know that we are interested in hearing from them! They can submit their information HERE.
Below is the list of our currently known oldest Packers (oldest to youngest).
Genevieve (Sobczyk) Bosiljevac-1936 passed away in June 2024 at the age of 105
Edna (Hilderbrandt) Schoessler-1937 passed away in April 2024 at the age of 104
Mary (Slavik) Christen-1941 passed away in April 2024 at the age of 101
Leota "Lee" (Ruff) Brown-1938 passed away in October 2023 at the age of 103
Louise (Hoffman) Drabeck-1939 passed away in June 2023 at the age of 103
Louis Breci-1938 passed away in February 2023 at the age of 103
Libbie (Mikovec) Cook-1937 passed away in August 2022 at the age of 101
Rosemary (Atkinson) Benger-1937 passed away in January 2022 at the age of 100
Lydia (Bovick) Seely-1939 passed away in August 2022 at the age of 104
Lillian (Hopkins) Halligan-1938 passed in March 2022 at the age of 102.
Jesse Tribulato-1937, our previous second oldest alum, passed away July 2022, at the age of 104.
Aliene (Kelpe) Hammer-1932, our previous oldest alum (at 106 years), passed away May 31, 2021. Read more about her below.
Ruth Povondra-1933, our previous second oldest alum, passed away January 2021, one week before her 105th birthday.
- ROSE (VLCEK) REGNER (SHS 1934) is 108
- ANNA (BURDA) KASSAL (SHS 1938) is 104
- ELLA (BENTZ) DEVOL (SHS 1939) is 103
- ELINORE (LOUIS) JONES (SHS 1941) is 100
Genevieve (Sobczyk) Bosiljevac-1936 passed away in June 2024 at the age of 105
Edna (Hilderbrandt) Schoessler-1937 passed away in April 2024 at the age of 104
Mary (Slavik) Christen-1941 passed away in April 2024 at the age of 101
Leota "Lee" (Ruff) Brown-1938 passed away in October 2023 at the age of 103
Louise (Hoffman) Drabeck-1939 passed away in June 2023 at the age of 103
Louis Breci-1938 passed away in February 2023 at the age of 103
Libbie (Mikovec) Cook-1937 passed away in August 2022 at the age of 101
Rosemary (Atkinson) Benger-1937 passed away in January 2022 at the age of 100
Lydia (Bovick) Seely-1939 passed away in August 2022 at the age of 104
Lillian (Hopkins) Halligan-1938 passed in March 2022 at the age of 102.
Jesse Tribulato-1937, our previous second oldest alum, passed away July 2022, at the age of 104.
Aliene (Kelpe) Hammer-1932, our previous oldest alum (at 106 years), passed away May 31, 2021. Read more about her below.
Ruth Povondra-1933, our previous second oldest alum, passed away January 2021, one week before her 105th birthday.
Class of 1934 | Age: 108 | Centenarian Corner Fall 2024 Rose, our oldest Packer alum, sent in her Centenarian Questionnaire. She turned 108 on December 9, 2024 and is currently residing in Omaha. After South she attended comptometer school and then worked for Hinky Dinky grocery store and later the Safeway offices. She advises to stay active and limit processed foods. She grew up on homemade soups and still eats them daily. She says all of your nutrients are in the soup. She is a huge fan of playing bingo! |
Class of 1941 | Age: 100 | Centenarian Corner Fall 2024 Elinor turned 100 last September and promptly filled out a Centenarian Questionnaire! Elinor currently resides in Omaha. When asked about a memory from attending South, Elinor fondly remembers the dances after lunch and her beloved debate class. After South, she went to work in the shipyards (in Portland, Maine) as a welder. She says keeping God first and good genetics got her to 100! |
Class of 1939 | Age: 102 | Centenarian Corner Spring 2024
Ella, our eighth oldest Packer alum as of 1/31/2024, filled out our Centenarian Questionnaire. Ella turned 102 in August 2023 and is currently residing in Riverside, California. When asked about a memory from attending South, Ella fondly remembers drama teacher Miss Rasmussen. She remembers being incredibly shy and through drama, with Miss Rasmussen’s encouragement, she was able to participate in two plays.
Class of 1939 | Age: 102 | Centenarian Corner Spring 2024
Ella, our eighth oldest Packer alum as of 1/31/2024, filled out our Centenarian Questionnaire. Ella turned 102 in August 2023 and is currently residing in Riverside, California. When asked about a memory from attending South, Ella fondly remembers drama teacher Miss Rasmussen. She remembers being incredibly shy and through drama, with Miss Rasmussen’s encouragement, she was able to participate in two plays.
Class of 1937 | Age: 104 | Centenarian Corner Spring 2022 | Passed away 7/22/2022
Jesse, our second oldest Packer alum as of 3/1/2022, filled out our Centenarian Questionnaire. Jesse turned 104 last November and is currently residing in San Francisco. When asked about a memory from attending South, Jesse remembers that he used to charge the boys ten cents for a ride to school in his car, while he charged the girls nothing. Our thanks to Jesse’s daughter, Diane, for sharing this with us.
Class of 1937 | Age: 104 | Centenarian Corner Spring 2022 | Passed away 7/22/2022
Jesse, our second oldest Packer alum as of 3/1/2022, filled out our Centenarian Questionnaire. Jesse turned 104 last November and is currently residing in San Francisco. When asked about a memory from attending South, Jesse remembers that he used to charge the boys ten cents for a ride to school in his car, while he charged the girls nothing. Our thanks to Jesse’s daughter, Diane, for sharing this with us.
Class of 1932 | Age: 106 | Passed away 5/31/2021
Class of 1932 | Age: 106 | Passed away 5/31/2021
Any memories from SHS? A great education, my 3 siblings (Marjorie, Henry, and William) also attended, and many wonderful friends! We walked to & from school down 24th St together. We all walked everywhere! Played tennis at Highland Park, roller skated to the South Omaha Library, and went to movies at the Roseland Center. Enjoyed dramatic arts & plays, student council, dances, games/sports. Peony Park Royal Grove dances, Krug Park/Elmwood Park school picnics. Annual May Pageant, I was named Queen of Scholarship.
Who at SHS impacted your life? Principal Marrs hired me as his stenographer/secretary my senior year. He was well-respected & a very fine man! Miss Fern Eads was our admired Class Sponsor and we were happy she came to most of our class reunions. Miss Rasmussen was my drama teacher for many plays. I became friends with Coach Cornie Collins while keeping track of athletes’ scholastic eligibility. Loved working in SHS office with Amelia Mangan & Ruth Kressel.
What events shaped your life? Blessed to have godly and well-educated parents (father-veterinarian for government, Omaha Stockyards, and mother, who before marriage taught school - all 8 grades in one-room schoolhouse in Missouri). We lived in a large white Victorian home at corner of 23rd & B. Rented out the upstairs rooms and at several points in time some of the ‘roomers’ were South High teachers, including Miss Spears and her mother. My parents’ values of education and faith in God were important. I attended Vinton Elementary (won city penmanship award) and then South High. My father passed away my senior year (which was also during the Depression), so instead of college, I got a job (working at South for Principal Marrs) so my older siblings could stay in college and to help my mother raise my little brother. With God’s help, overcoming hardships continued to be life-strengthening.
What did you do after SHS? After working for Principal Marrs for 10 years, I then left to work at the new South Omaha Terrace Housing Authority. Married, had four daughters, and raised them as a single parent. I was secretary at Grace Methodist Church (25th & E) for 50 years, retiring 10 years ago at age 95. Enjoyed reuniting with my SHS class and being on the reunion committee. Ultimately all my daughters graduated from university. Today I have 13 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great grandchildren. Thankful to have been at the same home since 1950.
What is your secret to living past 100? Take care of body, mind, and spirit. Body: A lot of walking! I never learned to drive, so I walked 2 miles each way (briskly up and down hills, over bridges and viaducts) for 45 years to work at the church. Also fresh air, hard work, healthy diet. Mind: Stay active working and learning. I took secretarial improvement courses and a college class at age 75. Spirit: Above all, reliance on God. Daily Bible reading, depending on God in all things. Be charitable, have a positive attitude and sense of humor. Cast your cares on God for He cares for you! Look for the positives in life and in every person. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Also, remember, “This too shall pass.”
Any advice for current SHS students? Value your education, do your best, love and respect others and God. Practice gratitude and kindness. Look for the best in everyone, including yourself. God’s laws are a protection, and He is always with you. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be sure to add wisdom to your knowledge. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
Who at SHS impacted your life? Principal Marrs hired me as his stenographer/secretary my senior year. He was well-respected & a very fine man! Miss Fern Eads was our admired Class Sponsor and we were happy she came to most of our class reunions. Miss Rasmussen was my drama teacher for many plays. I became friends with Coach Cornie Collins while keeping track of athletes’ scholastic eligibility. Loved working in SHS office with Amelia Mangan & Ruth Kressel.
What events shaped your life? Blessed to have godly and well-educated parents (father-veterinarian for government, Omaha Stockyards, and mother, who before marriage taught school - all 8 grades in one-room schoolhouse in Missouri). We lived in a large white Victorian home at corner of 23rd & B. Rented out the upstairs rooms and at several points in time some of the ‘roomers’ were South High teachers, including Miss Spears and her mother. My parents’ values of education and faith in God were important. I attended Vinton Elementary (won city penmanship award) and then South High. My father passed away my senior year (which was also during the Depression), so instead of college, I got a job (working at South for Principal Marrs) so my older siblings could stay in college and to help my mother raise my little brother. With God’s help, overcoming hardships continued to be life-strengthening.
What did you do after SHS? After working for Principal Marrs for 10 years, I then left to work at the new South Omaha Terrace Housing Authority. Married, had four daughters, and raised them as a single parent. I was secretary at Grace Methodist Church (25th & E) for 50 years, retiring 10 years ago at age 95. Enjoyed reuniting with my SHS class and being on the reunion committee. Ultimately all my daughters graduated from university. Today I have 13 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great grandchildren. Thankful to have been at the same home since 1950.
What is your secret to living past 100? Take care of body, mind, and spirit. Body: A lot of walking! I never learned to drive, so I walked 2 miles each way (briskly up and down hills, over bridges and viaducts) for 45 years to work at the church. Also fresh air, hard work, healthy diet. Mind: Stay active working and learning. I took secretarial improvement courses and a college class at age 75. Spirit: Above all, reliance on God. Daily Bible reading, depending on God in all things. Be charitable, have a positive attitude and sense of humor. Cast your cares on God for He cares for you! Look for the positives in life and in every person. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Also, remember, “This too shall pass.”
Any advice for current SHS students? Value your education, do your best, love and respect others and God. Practice gratitude and kindness. Look for the best in everyone, including yourself. God’s laws are a protection, and He is always with you. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be sure to add wisdom to your knowledge. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
Class of 1938 | Age: 103 | Passed away 10/16/2023
Any memories from SHS? Enjoyed cooking class – fun. Got kicked out of class due to my joking ways. I worked after school and was not able to participate in too many activities.
What did you do after SHS? Worked for County Hospital as a nurse’s aide.
What events shaped your life? Working at hospital, I made a lot of friends.
What is your secret to living to 100? Drinking a lot of beer.
Any advice for current SHS students? Enjoy friendship and time in school.
Class of 1938 | Age: 103 | Passed away 10/16/2023
Any memories from SHS? Enjoyed cooking class – fun. Got kicked out of class due to my joking ways. I worked after school and was not able to participate in too many activities.
What did you do after SHS? Worked for County Hospital as a nurse’s aide.
What events shaped your life? Working at hospital, I made a lot of friends.
What is your secret to living to 100? Drinking a lot of beer.
Any advice for current SHS students? Enjoy friendship and time in school.
Class of 1938 | Age: 102 | Passed away 3/12/2022
Who at SHS impacted your life? Edith Wiedner, Edward Kuncel
What did you do after SHS? World War II Civil Service
What events shaped your life? Being a Beautician, Librarian, Health Store employee
What is your secret to living to 100? Good Genes
Class of 1938 | Age: 102 | Passed away 3/12/2022
Who at SHS impacted your life? Edith Wiedner, Edward Kuncel
What did you do after SHS? World War II Civil Service
What events shaped your life? Being a Beautician, Librarian, Health Store employee
What is your secret to living to 100? Good Genes